Scarlet lips like cherries on a cold
winter day. The graceful scorn of one perfectly arched eyebrow. The flutter of
eyelashes, eerily reminiscent of the death throes of a butterfly. She could rule me of by a single movement of
her face. I loved her and loathed her. Such extreme emotions can easily
overwhelm ones heart and mind so that he becomes unable to control his actions.
I know I certainly couldn’t. Yet how I desperately wanted to. I wanted to be
the man that she desired. Oh, she told me how I failed at fulfilling her
desires. She would never let me forget my failures. That would be showing
Often I would refer to her, when my lips
were loosed in the presence of my fellow men, as cold, frigid, black ice on a
winter pond. She was like an icicle, sharp and deadly, attached by delicate
glue to the eves, ready to fall and impale on the slightest agitation. But no
one really understood. They would ask crude questions, such as to our love
life. I would blush and drown out the questions with another draught of beer.
But the questions would linger in my mind in the dark hours of the night when I
would lie alone in my bed. She was there too, but I couldn’t touch her. I never
could touch her, unless she wanted it. I would lie alone, in my silk sheets,
alone, hugging myself in the cold hours of the early mornings.
People would have thought that we
perfect and we certainly looked the part. King and queen in silken robes and
diamond rings, sweeping through the parties as glamorous as the stars
themselves. We were the envy of the rich, the cream of the elite. Smiles fixed,
downing back glasses of champagne and scotch. Champagne for her, scotch for me.
She frowned on my scotch, would rather that I sip champagne like her, but I
wasn’t like her. I liked my scotch, the stronger the better. Numb the pain if
you will. Not that it would last, but we all have our vices. At least that’s
what I tell myself. And when the sun
rises on the fog of night what does it matter?
We live by night; shun the day, like
vampires in a grisly tale of passion. Flesh and silk, entwined on a bed of
black roses, lit by a hungry fire. Softly, in the aftermath of our havoc, she
will touch my face. Kiss my lips and whisper that I’m her treasure. Her special
gem in a house of gold. Nothing more
than a treasure to be taken out and admired when boredom strikes.
She collects treasures. Hides them away
in her bosom till they are broken. Am I broken yet? In the mirror I am perfect.
But the mirror lies, tells us only what we have already heard. In the mirror,
the reflections of a whiskey glass in the amber light smeared by a touch of
lipstick on the rim. Lipstick stains everything, lips, cheeks, neck, chest, all
the way down. Can’t wash away the stains. It suits her, the stains. She stains
everything, taking possession of all she touches. Her treasures, stained by the
kisses of her lecherous mouth. I am her treasure, or so she tells me.
One day it was over. Life changes
people, she said, with falsely beaded eyes. I will always be her treasure. One
last kiss, tasting of wine and brandy. A shrug of slender shoulders through her
fur stole, a whispered goodbye. Then she’s out on the rain-drenched streets
sliding into a taxi, the slit on her dress showing a creamy thigh.
Now the house is empty. I take a final
taste of scotch, swallow it down. Pull on a silken jacket, leather shoes. The
door clicks behind me; I’m homeless on the street. After all I was her
treasure. And now I’m not.
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